$Header: /home/radek/cvs/forth-book/dictionary/ansi/1370.execute,v 1.1 2003/12/28 18:21:57 radek Exp $
EXECUTE — Vykoná slovo jehož CFA najde na TOS
Remove xt from the stack and perform the semantics identified by it. Other stack effects are due to the word EXECUTEd.
Run the execution-token on stack - this will usually trap if it was null for some reason, see >EXECUTE simulate:
: EXECUTE >R exit ;
Příklad 75. Kód slova EXECUTE [80]
; code of word: execute 018C= 818E: 8112 83C8 DW $8112 $83C8 ; link to BYE 018E= 8190: 0745 5845 4355 5445 DB 7, "EXECUTE" 0196= 8198: 3207 EXECUTE: MOVE TOS, D1 ; odložíme si TOS 0198= 819A: 3E1C MOVE (SP)+, TOS ;= DROP 019A= 819C: 4EF2 1000 JMP 0(CS,D1.W) ; skok na odložený TOS019E= 81A0: 4E75 RTS ;= EXIT