$Header: /home/radek/cvs/forth-book/dictionary/ansi/0240.slash-mod,v 1.1 2003/12/28 18:21:57 radek Exp $


/MOD — „slash-mod“, dělení se zbytkem



( n1 n2 → n3 n4 )

Definováno v: dpANS Forth 6.1.0240 CORE


Divide n1 by n2, giving the single-cell remainder n3 and the single-cell quotient n4. An ambiguous condition exists if n2 is zero. If n1 and n2 differ in sign, the implementation-defined result returned will be the same as that returned by either the phrase >R S>D R> FM/MOD or the phrase >R S>D R> SM/REM .

Příklad použití

# $Id: dict-plus.ses,v 1.1 2003/02/02 12:39:15 radek Exp $
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