40.5.2. Použití JTTui

Příklad 40.7. Příklad použití JTTui

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# $Id: jttui_example1.rb,v 1.1 2002/06/05 15:48:59 radek Exp $
# Jakub Travnik's tui example

$:.unshift '/home/radek/lib/ruby'
require 'jttui/jttui'
require 'jttui/jttuistd'

JTTui.run do |root|
    d1 = JTTDialog.new(root, 'Dialog Window', 0,0,60,16,
		       'Example 1 - simple dialog')
    d1.align = JTTWindow::ALIGN_CENTER
    wb1 = JTTWButton.new(d1, 'Test Button', 3,2,11,1, 'Button_1') { JTTui.beep }
    wb2 = JTTWButton.new(d1, 'Test Button', 3,3,11,1, 'Button_2') {
	JTTui.beep; sleep 1; JTTui.beep }
    wb3 = JTTWButton.new(d1, 'Test Button', 3,4,11,1, 'Button_3') {
	JTTui.beep; sleep 1; JTTui.beep; sleep 1; JTTui.beep }
    wbquit = JTTWButton.new(d1, 'Test Button', 48,13,8,1, '_Quit') {
	JTTui.addmessage nil, :close

    el1 = JTTWEditline.new(d1, 'Test Editline1', 3,11,27,1,
			   'Hello this is edit-line', true)
    el2 = JTTWEditline.new(d1, 'Test Editline1', 3,13,27,1,
			   'This one is read only', false)

    la1 = JTTWLabel.new(d1, 'Test Label', 3,6,30,5,
			 'Test _Label with text wrapping can' +
			 ' select the widget bellow.  ' +
			 'This edit line widget uses emacs like keys.') {
	d1.settab el1}

    ch1 = JTTWCheckbox.new(d1, 'Test Checkbox', 20,2,13,1, '_Checkbox1')
    ch2 = JTTWCheckbox.new(d1, 'Test Checkbox', 20,3,13,1, 'C_heckbox2') {
	JTTui.beep }
    ch2.states = 3

    rg1 = JTTWRadiogroup.new(d1, 'Test Radiogroup', 35,5,8,2,
			     ['O_ne', 'T_wo'], -1)
    rg2 = JTTWRadiogroup.new(d1, 'Test Radiogroup', 46,5,13,4,
			     ['_One', '_Two', 'Th_ree', '_Four'], 2)

    wb4 = JTTWButton.new(d1, 'Test Button', 32,11,17,1, 'Test _Messagebox') {
	m1 = JTTWMessagebox.new("Choose character for background\n" +
				"note: shapes are terminal dependent", 0,3,
				"_1: \1", "_2: \4", "_3: \7", "_4: \0",
				"_5: \11", "_6: none")

	m2 = JTTWMessagebox.new('', 0,0, '_I\'m happy', '_Try again')
	    res = m1.execute
	    if res >= 0
		char = "\1\4\7\0\11 "[res]
		char = char | (res==5 ? JTTui.color_background : JTTui.color_basic)
		JTTui.rootwindow.background = char
	    m1.defaultnr = res	# remember previous choose
	end until 0==m2.execute("You have pressed no. #{res}")

	JTTWMessagebox.new('Thank you for trying message box widget behaviour. ' +
			   'Notice that long messages should be in bigger window.',
			   0,0, '_Ok').execute

    d1.addtabstop wb1
    d1.addtabstop wb2
    d1.addtabstop wb3
    d1.addtabstop ch1
    d1.addtabstop ch2
    d1.addtabstop rg1
    d1.addtabstop rg2
    d1.addtabstop el1
    d1.addtabstop el2
    d1.addtabstop wb4
    d1.addtabstop wbquit
    d1.cancelbutton = wbquit
    d1.defaultbutton = wb1

Licence Creative Commons
Tento dokument Ruby, jehož autorem je Radek Hnilica, podléhá licenci Creative Commons Uveďte autora-Nevyužívejte dílo komerčně-Zachovejte licenci 3.0 Česká republika .