47.21. Použití Subversion

47.21.1. Založení nového projektu v Subversion

section id="rails.subversion" xreflabel="Použití Subversion"

Ukázka postupu vytvoření projektu snimkypd.

# mkdir /var/lib/svn/snimkypd
# chown radek:radek /var/lib/svn/snimkypd
$ svnadmin create /var/lib/svn/snimkypd
$ rails /tmp/snimkypd/trunk
$ mkdir /tmp/snimkypd/branches /tmp/snimkypd/tags
$ svn import /tmp/snimkypd file:///var/lib/svn/snimkypd -m "initial import"

Committed revision 1.
$ cd ~/src/firma/mpress
$ svn checkout file:///var/lib/svn/snimkypd/trunk snimkypd
Checked out revision 1.

Tím máme první revizi prázdného projektu v repository a současně k dispozici v pracovní verzi v adresáři ~/src/firma/mpress/snimkypd. Protože používám CIA, skopíroval a upravil jsem soubor /var/lib/svn/snimkypd/hooks/post-commit.


FIXME:doplnit zkontrolovat.

This is the top of the Subversion repository.

   trunk/ ......... The latest development sources.  When people say
                    "Get the head of trunk", they mean the latest
                    revision of this directory tree.

   branches/ ...... Various development branches.  Typically a branch
                    contains a complete copy of trunk/, even if the
                    changes are isolated to one subdirectory.  Note
                    that branch copies are generally removed after
                    they've been merged back into trunk, so what's in
                    branches/ now does not reflect all the branches
                    that have ever been created.

   tags/ .......... Snapshots of releases.  As a general policy, we
                    don't change these after they're created; if
                    something needs to change, we move it to
                    branches and work on it there.

                    Miscellaneous things that might (or might not) be
                    of interest to developers.
Licence Creative Commons
Tento dokument Ruby, jehož autorem je Radek Hnilica, podléhá licenci Creative Commons Uveďte autora-Nevyužívejte dílo komerčně-Zachovejte licenci 3.0 Česká republika .