CentOS 7 QMT Install (Tested 01 SEP 2016) 1) Install CentOS 7 minimal install 2) Configure your hostname, address, gateway, and name server. A tool (script) for this is available, no restart required. 3) # curl -O ftp://ftp.whitehorsetc.com/pub/qmail/CentOS7/qmt/scripts/qt_prep.sh 4) # chmod 755 qt_prep.sh 5) # sh qt_prep.sh (Automatic reboot) 6) # sh qt_install.sh 7) # toaststat Status of toaster services send: up (pid 1323) 1517 seconds smtp: up (pid 1324) 1517 seconds submission: up (pid 1325) 1517 seconds send/log: up (pid 1316) 1517 seconds smtp/log: up (pid 1311) 1517 seconds submission/log: up (pid 1314) 1517 seconds Service: clamav-daemon.service: [ OK ] Service: clamav-daemon.socket: [ OK ] Service: spamd: [ OK ] Service: dovecot: [ OK ] Service: mariadb: [ OK ] Service: httpd: [ OK ] Service: named: [ OK ] Service: vsftpd: [ OK ] Service: network: [ OK ] Service: acpid: [ OK ] Service: atd: [ OK ] Service: autofs: [ OK ] Service: crond: [ OK ] Service: ntpd: [ OK ] Service: smartd: [ OK ] Service: sshd: [ OK ] Service: irqbalance: [ OK ] A tool (script) is available to change DNS from bind to djbdns and back on your CentOS 7 QMT host. * During the ClamAV install the virus databases are downloaded. The download time is unpredictable. The download may be well under 5 minutes but may take as long as 30 minutes...or more. Please be patient with the ClamAV installation, the databases will eventually download, and ClamAV, and the Toaster packages, will ultimately install. * After a recent CentOS 7 install I discovered that eM Client email client caused a segmentation fault on the QMT host. After increasing the submission softlimit from 64000000 to 1280000000 all problems were resolved. The error was absent in Thuderbird. 1280000000 may be overkill, I didn't drop the memory allotment after the segmentation fault desisted. A lower softlimit may work for eM Client. Update CentOS 7/QMT 1) # yum update 2) # yum --enablerepo=whtc-qmt-testing updateCentOS 6 QMT host Update CentOS 6/QMT 1) # rpm -Uvh ftp://ftp.whitehorsetc.com/pub/repo/qmt/CentOS/6/current/noarch/whtc-qmt-1-1.qt.el6.noarch.rpm 2) # yum update 3) # yum --enablerepo=whtc-qmt-testing updateCentOS 5 QMT host (Obsolete) Update CentOS 5/QMT* 1) rpm -Uvh ftp://ftp.whitehorsetc.com/pub/repo/qmt/CentOS/5/current/noarch/whtc-qmt-1-1.qt.el5.noarch.rpm 2) yum update 3) yum --enablerepo=whtc-qmt-testing update *If you still have a Courier IMAP/POP3 installation, update at your own risk. Updating will delete Courier and replace it with Dovecot.QMT Wiki Qmailtoaster Plus Extras