Two-Word Memory Reference Instructions


Tabulka 77.29. Two-Word Memory Referenc Instructions

TWSMJ0240Skip if J ≠ memory
TWSMK0250Skip if K ≠ memory
TWDSZ0300Decrement memory and skip if =0
TWISZ0340Increment memory and skip if =0
TWSBJ0400Subtract memory from J
TWSBK0410Subtract memory from K
TWADJ0440Add memory to J
TWADK0450Add memory to K
TWLDJ0500Load memory into J
TWLDK0510Load memory into K
TWSTJ0540Store J to memory
TWSTK0550Store K in memory
TWJMP0600Jump unconditionally
TWJPS0640Jump to subroutine

Obrázek 77.31. Two-Word Memory Reference Instruction Format

Two-Word Memory Reference Instruction Format

Obrázek 77.32. Vztah mezi MRI a TWMRI instrukčním formátem

Vztah mezi MRI a TWMRI instrukčním formátem
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