$Header: /home/radek/cvs/forth-book/dictionary/ansi/2250.state,v 1.1 2003/12/28 18:21:57 radek Exp $
STATE — proměnná obsahující informaci o stavu EXECUTE/COMPILE
Proměnná obsahující informaci o režimu/stavu v němž se ystém nacháyí. Hodnota 0 obvykle značí stav EXECUTE a jiná, nenulová hodnota značí COMPILE.
a-addr is the address of a cell containing the compilation-state flag. STATE is true when in compilation state, false otherwise. The true value in STATE is non-zero, but is otherwise implementation-defined. Only the following standard words alter the value in STATE: : (colon), ; (semicolon), ABORT, QUIT, :NONAME, [ (left-bracket), and ] (right-bracket). Note: A program shall not directly alter the contents of STATE.